And... more about Coffee?

Yesterday when I was doing a little bit of research on my coffee piece, I came accross an interesting tidbit: Coffee was banned until...

Let's back up.

Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia, after shepherds noticed their goats and sheep getting all wired up after eating these red berries... After that, it spread rapidly through the arabic world.

Coffee was introduced in Europe through the venetian trade; the venetians had a lot of contact with the north of Africa and they brought coffee up north. But, apparently, coffee failed to gain traction with the europeans until after Pope Clement VIII declared it "a christian beverage" in 1600, taking away the blemish of being a "heretic muslim" concoction.

Isn't it amazing?


Edwin Augusto Méndez Lara said...

For me is a ritual every morning to makes my coffee, from to crush my blend grains of a tasteful Antigua and Cobán, and to fill in the coffe maker, after that getting all wired up as the goats!

elultimodepaz said...

Todo por una taza de café

Cristina Montenegro said...

Loveeee Coffee!!!! and great picture!!!

Flor Ruiz said...

The smell of fresh boiled cofee in the morning makes you feel warm and ready to start the day, I never leave home without one cup of coffee :)

Flor Ruiz said...

I never leave home without one or two cups!